safe sanctuaries

Children, youth and vulnerable adults hold a special place in God’s family. The scriptures are filled with instances where God people are instructed to protect and care for the powerless.

As Christians, we take our responsibility to nurture children, youth and vulnerable adults very seriously. The leadership of Perry United Methodist Church acknowledges the sacred trust to maintain an environment that is safe for people to live and grow in God’s love. 

Sexual misconduct and other forms of abuse in the church and ministry settings impedes the mission of Jesus Christ. All of our volunteer leaders and staff who work with young people and vulnerable adults have the responsibility not only to avoid actions and words that hurt others, but also to protect the vulnerable against actions or words which cause harm.

Our church complies with the nationally accepted standards of "child" protection called Safe Sanctuaries. Everyone working with children, youth and vulnerable adults are screened and trained to comply with the generally accepted preventative practices that are in place to protect everyone involved.  

We view each ministry participant, volunteer and staff member as precious gifts from God. We desire to prevent any incident or appearance of abuse while under the umbrella of our ministries.

For questions about Safe Sanctuaries policies or practices, or for information on how to serve in our children, youth program or mission program, please contact the staff member in charge of that ministry.

Any incidents should be reported to the staff member in charge of the program or to the Senior Pastor.